Special session at the IMACS Conference 2025 in Athens, GA
Robert Buckingham, Peter Miller, and I are organizing a special session on “Singular asymptotics for integrable nonlinear waves and related topics”.
I am an assistant professor of mathematics at the University of Cincinnati. My research interests lie primarily in nonlinear waves and integrable systems.
Previously, I was a postdoc at the University of Michigan working with Peter D. Miller. My PhD thesis advisor was Irina Nenciu and my thesis was on Hamiltonian perturbations of the doubly-infinite Toda lattice.
I currently serve as the secretary for the SIAM Activity Group Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures.
My research is supported by funds from the National Science Foundation and Simons Foundation.
PhD in Mathematics
University of Illinois at Chicago
BSci & MSci in Mathematics
Bogazici University
Robert Buckingham, Peter Miller, and I are organizing a special session on “Singular asymptotics for integrable nonlinear waves and related topics”.
We have just submitted our paper on general rogue waves of infinite order.
We have just made the initial release of a software package for Julia to compute general rogue wave of infinite order solutions of the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation.
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