About Me

I am an assistant professor of mathematics at the University of Cincinnati. My research interests lie primarily in nonlinear waves and integrable systems.

Previously, I was a postdoc at the University of Michigan working with Peter D. Miller. My PhD thesis advisor was Irina Nenciu and my thesis was on Hamiltonian perturbations of the doubly-infinite Toda lattice.

I currently serve as the secretary for the SIAM Activity Group Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures.

My research is supported by funds from the National Science Foundation and Simons Foundation.

  • Nonlinear waves
  • Integrable systems
  • Riemann-Hilbert problems
  • Dispersive PDEs
  • PhD in Mathematics

    University of Illinois at Chicago

  • BSci & MSci in Mathematics

    Bogazici University

Recent News

New paper!

We have just submitted our paper on general rogue waves of infinite order.

RogueWaveInfiniteNLS.jl software package for Julia

We have just made the initial release of a software package for Julia to compute general rogue wave of infinite order solutions of the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation.

In preparation
(2024). Infinite-order solutions of the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation.
(2024). Far-field symptotics of large-order breathers for the sine-Gordon equation.
(2024). Long-time development of initial data with spectral pole singularities.
(2024). Long-time asymptotics for the Korteweg-de Vries equation.

Click on the title of a publication to see more information, the abstract, featured plots or supplementary data. The ArXiv preprints do not reflect the final version of the published article.

(2024). Extreme superposition: high-order fundamental rogue waves in the far-field regime. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society.
(2024). RogueWaveInfiniteNLS.jl. Software package for Julia.
(2023). Computation of large-genus solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation. Physica D.
(2022). Broader universality of rogue waves of infinite order. Physica D.
(2021). Far-field asymptotics for multiple-pole solitons in the large-order limit. Journal of Differential Equations.
(2020). Extreme superposition: rogue waves of infinite order and the Painlevé-III hierarchy. Duke Mathematical Journal.
(2018). Benchmarking numerical methods for lattice equations with the Toda lattice. Applied Numerical Mathematics.
(2017). A robust inverse scattering transform for the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics.
(2017). Discrete integrable systems, Darboux transformations, and Yang–Baxter maps. CRM Series in Mathematical Physics.
(2017). Numerical inverse scattering for the Toda lattice. Communications in Mathematical Physics.